Low Risk Roulette Wagering



Seen these before, but there probably isn’t toomany new ones out there.Don’t go thinking my systemsare unique or fantastic. Like I said, it’snot thesystem, but the money management that is important. Let me explain beforeyou read the systems. There are just so many ways to bet inroulette.Single numbers, splits, 3 number lines, 4 numberquads, 5 number, 6 number linebets, 12 number 1/3’s, 12number columns, 18 number (high/low, red, black, odd, even).

What this means is 'How conservative orrisky do you want to bet?' 'What recoveryrateIs feasible to you?' among other things. Less risk? Bet 35numbers, but recovery is towin35times in a row if you lost once. High risk and high return? Bet one number. Inreality,thereare bets in-betweenthat satisfy most people for the style THEY like to play. That’s why IDon’tpush my style onto others. It may not work for you or you’re not in the rightplaceat the rightTime can live andsurvive quite nicely on 80% or 50% return on my money, with lowrisk,confidenceOf winning and enjoy myself without gettingstressed out. The systems that I use arenot new, norunique, but what matters are HOW I use them, or any other. I enjoy thecomfortof betting on 63% of the numbersfor a 50% return. Eventhe banks don’t give me 50% interest on my money. Therecoveryrate is acceptable, meaning I have to win twice to make up a losing bet. At thehigh rollers table past weekend, I was betting 4 $25 chips on 4lines (63% of thenumbers). The 4 lines are the ones thatmake up 13-36 on the board. I know I havealmost 75%chance of winning every spin, it’s easy for me to know what numbers I’mon (teens, twenties and thirties when the dealer says the winningnumber), easy for meto reach on the layout, but moreimportantly, on a 0/00 wheel in Atlantic City, if 0/00comeout, I only lose ½ of my outside bet. What outside bet do you say? Well, I betonechip on the 13-17and 3 chips onthe outside bet of 18-36. This way I don’t have to worry as much about0/00.

There are loads of different options for low-stakes roulette players. The brilliant bonus from Betfair reduces the risk even more, with low wagering and some additional roulette chips that will extend your playing time. You can also pick any of my Best Live Roulette Casinos. You won’t be disappointed, as they all have low-stake. Laws of the Third Betting System: This betting system is a betting system you can ONLY use for Roulette. It relies on the “laws of the third” whereas in 36 spins, 12 numbers won’t appear. Low Risk Betting Strategy: Discussion and thesis about the best low risk betting strategy to play roulette with. Best Low Risk Roulette Strategy 1. The Fibonacci Betting Strategy: The Fibonacci betting strategy is featured to be one of the best, safest, and the. The Martingale Betting Strategy: The Martingale betting strategy is also pretty popular & prevalent among the. Low Risk Betting seems like a bit of a weird idea. For most gamblers the idea of a low risk bet means low odds. Low odds means small winnings. Small winnings rarely add up to cover the BIG LOSS of your entire stake when that inevitable loss finally arrives. Gamblers, unlike investors or traders, want the THRILL of the BIG WIN.

Increase your bets (when you do) of (2 chips and6 chips), then (3chips and 9 chips),etc. By the way,high numbers came out 22 times in a row, (which is not unusual) with0/00twice. I go for the streaks. MANY, MANY often every day. Very rarely does it gohigh, low, high, low, etc for very long.

The second system is to bet the 3 line bets of0,00,1,2,3 and 7,8,9,10,11,12 and25,26,27,28,29,30. I’msure you know this one also as it covers two huge wedges on thewheellayout - mark the numbers off on the wheel. Again, it’s the money managementthat matters. Most people know where to bet, just not HOW to bet.Increasing at theright time, decreasing at the righttime. I think a form of this is the way that $2000systemgoes. Add in one more line bet of six numbers (I’d use the six line thatcontainsthe last number won) and you’re covering 23numbers or 60% of the wheel. If one of the4 line bet wins(25% of yourbet) you get 300% return {SAMPLE - 4 - $25bets is $100. After a 1-chip line bet wins,you have 6chips(600% of your bet) but subtracting the other 3 chipslost from the 6 chips would be 3chip win on the 1 chipline bet or 300%. Figures work with that system clues.Anywaythe last system I use is to bet a $5 chip on the 6 number line bet that the lastwinning number came in on. If I win, I have 6 chips. If I losebet a $5 chip on EACH ofthe last two lines that won. If Iwin, I have 5 chips. If I lose, bet 2 chips ($10) on each ofthelast three lines that contain the last 3 winning numbers. If I win, I get doublemymoney. If I lose I bet $25 on each of the last 4 linesthat won. I still get a profit if I win. If Ilose, startover. All easy, known betting systems. Sorry, no rabbit out of a hat trick.Just basics. I don’t like complex systems that take a long timeto figure out where to betor progressive systems thatlose your money faster.

Have a good day.


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The 1326 gambling strategy

The 1-3-2-6 system is a gambling strategy that works well on bets which are close to evens chance (i.e. 50/50, like a coin toss) - particularly in Baccarat and Roulette. It also works on the simple bets in Sic Bo. NB There are no actual 50/50 chances in casino games (for example, the Zero in Roulette means that even Red / Black isn't quite 50/50) but some bets come close and these are where the 1-3-2-6 can be useful.

Low risk roulette wagering betting

In the 1-3-2-6 gambling system, the sequence of winning bets is simply

1, 3, 2, 6.

If a bet wins, you progress to the next bet in the sequence.
If a bet loses, you go back to the start.
If you win all four bets and complete the sequence, you go back to the start, having made 12 units profit!
NB the bets relate to a number of units, so if you're betting in £10 units, your bet sequence is 10, 30, 20, 40.

What should you look for in a gambling strategy?

No gambling system can guarantee success. If someone invented one, they certainly wouldn't sell it(!) and the casinos would be very quick to ban its use.

A good gambling strategy is one which gives you the best chance of success over a large enough number of games, by taking into account the mathematics of the specific game you're playing (the 'house edge').

The 1-3-2-6 is a popular and generally successful strategy which can be employed very well on Evens chance bets. If your preference is for the straightforward bets in Roulette and Sic Bo (e.g. Red / Black, High / Low) the 1-3-2-6 may well suit your needs.

But it has two major flaws:

  1. It risks accrued profits
  2. In Baccarat, it doesn't take the vigorish into account

These two flaws are discussed in detail in this article, but were the driving force for us to devise the 1-3-2-4 system back in 2006 - a system which we feel is a refinement and improvement on the 1-3-2-6 for Baccarat players.

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This gambling system works best in games where four consecutive wins happen frequently, but the only risk is in losing the first or second bet. If you win the first two bets, you're guaranteed to at least break even.

as long as you win the first two bets, you're guaranteed to at least break even

You win big with the 1-3-2-6 when all four bets come up (a 1 in 16 chance) - this would give you a profit of 12 betting units.

But the great thing about the 1-3-2-6 is that as long as you win the first two bets (1 in 4), you're guaranteed to at least break even, even if the third bet loses!

If your first bet loses, your loss is 1 unit.
If the second loses, your loss is 2 units (you'll have bet 4, won 2)
If the third bet loses, you make a profit of 2 units, because you'll be 4 units up after bet 2!
If the third and fourth win, your overall profit is 12 units.
But even if the fourth bet loses, you still break even.

The following table shows you how your profit accrues as you move through the sequence of bets. Remember that we're discussing this in terms of betting units, so if you're betting in £10 units, your bet sequence is 10, 30, 20, 40; if you're betting in £25 units, your bet sequence is 25, 50, 75, 100; if you're betting in £50 units, your bet sequence is 50, 100, 150, 200.

why risk all your accrued profits on the last bet when you could take a small win after bet 3?

In the table above, note how with the 1-3-2-6 system you break even (i.e. neither win nor lose) if the first three bets win, but the fourth loses. This is our major criticism of the 1-3-2-6 system - why risk all your accrued profits on the last bet when you could take a small win after bet 3? This goes against one of the Golden Rules of Gambling that we lay out in our overall strategy.

Ultimately, this comes down to what kind of risk profile you have as a gambler - are you a low to medium risk player who is happy to take modest, consistent profits, or are you happy to risk more in order to maximise your potential profits?

Limit your losses

In the correct gaming conditions, you risk a little in order to win a little more.
Over the course of a betting cycle, your losses shouldn't mount up in the way that they could in, for example, the popular Martingale system. Even in the worst case i.e. 6 second bet losses, you'd only lose a total 12 units (you'd have won six units on the first bets), which you could win back by completing the sequence just once.

The table below shows how the 1326 fared in our systems tests.

Low risk roulette wagering games

For a reminder of the tests we use, check out our systems summary page…


1. Alternating win
2. Alternating loss
3. Consecutive win
4. Consecutive loss
5. Good win
6. Bad loss
Overall result for all 6 tests

Low Risk Roulette Wagering Odds


Break even
7 units loss
1 units profit
5 units loss
26 units profit
7 units loss
8 units profit

Low Risk Roulette Wagering Rules

Small losses

Low Risk Roulette Wagering Strategy

These test results show that this system never results in huge losses and works really well for short winning streaks.
Like the Paroli, this gambling system doesn't cope too well with alternating results, but unlike the Paroli, losses are never that bad - even in the 'bad loss' test, it results in only a small loss.