Online Poker Backers

Nevertheless, players who meet others in live poker games and brick-and-mortar tournaments can easily build relationships that extend over into the virtual world. If you develop a relationship with a backer or a group of them, there’s no reason why you can’t be backed for online poker tournaments too.

  • Getting accepted into a poker stable will get you the financial backing to play at higher stakes than your personal bankroll might allow. With big money on the line for your backers, many poker stables will also provide coaching from world-class players. This approach comes in an effort to give their players as much of an edge as possible.
  • In poker, a 'backer' is somebody who provides a bankroll to another player. 'Backers' are much more prevalent in the world of poker than what many people may realize. Many of the world's most recognizable names in poker are being 'backed' by other players.

German poker pro Fedor Holz used to garner most of his attention online for living a globetrotter’s life and creating a captivating charity project.

This past week in Barcelona, however, his name is on everyone's lips for winning a side event, the Super High Roller satellite and coming 4th in another side event.

Holz has won almost $100k in live poker this year, making it his career-best live performance. But that's not the only way the RunItOnce coach makes a big impact on poker and those around him.

PokerListings Germany's Dirk Oetzmann managed to catch up with perhaps the hottest running player in BCN to talk about his live poker success but also his 'secret' adventures as a major backer in the poker business.

Online poker backers

Fedor Holz, Major Poker Backer

PokerListings: There is a rumor about you being very successful in staking lately, making you one of the biggest backers in the game right now. How much of this is true?

Fedor Holz: Most of it. I got involved in staking one year ago. I don’t want to reveal too much but I’ve been pretty successful in the WCOOP 2013.

'It’s my goal to help other players on a personal and game level.'

My plan was to take a couple of players by the hand, coach them, and lead them to success.

Online Poker Hackers

I’ve been searching the mid stakes, contacted people and then quickly checked if we would get along well on a personal level.

By now I know every single one of them personally, and I’m delighted to say they all made the switch to high stakes. It’s been a win-win for all of us.

PL: Staking is a pretty risky and speculative niche in the poker business.

FH: It’s more complex than you might think. But that’s exactly what I like about it.

If I wanted I could earn more money if I’d grind the same hours. I like to closely follow and support my players, and it’s important to me to only work with players I have personal relationships with.

This leads to a deep form of loyalty. One of my biggest hits, for example, a guy who won the Sunday Million and doesn’t really need staking anymore, still gives me first option to buy shares of him.

PL: Who are your idols in staking? People like Max Katz from Russia?

FH: He does pretty much the opposite of what I want to do. The Russians had an idea that worked for a long time. But it was mostly about small margins for profit.

Who doesn't idolize Calvin Anderson at least a little bit?

I can’t play on that level. Also, it’s my goal to help other players on a personal and game level.

If you compare it with football I would be the coach or manager, whereas Katz would be a sports better. I might not make as much profit as him but I’m sure I have more fun.

My idols are people like Elio Fox and Calvin Anderson. They get involved into training their stakees, too. And I know the players they support.

PL: You’ve been playing very well here in Barcelona. Are you finally reaping what you sowed?

FH: I guess every player has that kind of expectation and feels that kind of satisfaction when it finally happens. Feels like judgment day (laughs)

But this is exactly the aspect of the game I’ve been focusing on for the last two years. Emotions are risky in poker, if you let them dominate you.

PL: You played a €50k high roller event here in Barcelona. Aren’t you out of your league? How far are players like Gruissem, Reinkemeier ahead of you?

Online Poker Backers

FH: I can’t really say. I’ve only been in two high buy-in tournaments with them. But I can see that they follow a similar path.

Holz also inspired by Phil Gruissem.

They are both interested in meditation, they read a lot, and they think outside the regular poker theory.

They both understand that poker is not just the game but also the man behind it. Seen from this angle, they are both definitely idols.

PL: People seem to follow their footsteps when it comes to charity, too. You have also collected $50,000 with your own project. Where is the money going?

FH: It goes to Casa Esperanza in Chile, an institution that takes care of children who lost their families or live in desperate poverty.

In Chile, this is a huge problem. At the end of the day we want to build a proper children’s home. The project only just got underway and we’re still looking for the right spot.

If the first one is a success we’re going to carry on with a second one.

Online Poker Backers

PL: Somehow, charity seems to be fashionable among poker players, completely opposed to the past.


FH: Correct. I think most poker pros actually have a big heart, but they quite simply never thought about things like charity.

I decided for myself that this responsibility is a part of my life. I realized that I feel more motivated if I can connect with other people.

'I feel more motivated if I can connect with other people.'

It’s more fun, and you avoid that feeling of emptiness that has been the topic of plenty of discussions lately.

PL: Travelling also seems to make your life complete. You are on the road all the time.

FH: Yes, I am a passionate traveler and poker helps me a lot. Even when I was little my mother would take me along on her trips as a journalist.

However, if I play at an event, I play as many tournaments as possible. So, I separate some of my journeys from poker.

To be honest, sometimes I like to be around people who have nothing to do with poker.

In fact, I've just been in South America for six weeks, and I didn't play a single hand there.

I’m a very good tournament player, but with the smaller tournament in Shreveport, Vicksburg, and atrip to Tunica every now and then. I have had cash game and tournament success, I have been playing for 19 years. Around here it’s a hard way to make an easy living. I just started playing online again and that’s a 1st in a long time. With pokerstars black Monday ithats how long it’s been since online was a way to play. I just started playing on Betonline and I’m just played a few freerolls and finished 2nd in one out of the 3 I have played in. Here is where I’m trying to find backers or staked to play the bigger buy-ins so I can start the WSOP circuit and bigger tournamens. Also the WSOP in Vegas. I’m ready to play and I know I can sit at that table for sure, is there any backer who would give me a chance to look at stats, I no range and I know strategy, I’m a what fill a very good play and hold my on in most games,if interested email me and we can talk, you want be wasting your time thanks